So, I woke up this morning completely confused. I thought to myself, "What the ___ is going on?" (fill in the blank accordingly). The reason why I had this moment of confusion was because I was completely shocked at the crazy phenomenon that is my life. I have been living in a foreign country for four months, I am getting a masters degree, and so many other things are different in my life that I can't even explain them all. I just felt that I had to take a minute and really think about all this so that I can fully appreciate things. I realize that I can get caught up in the craziness that is life, and I don't really give myself the chance to step back and really look at what's going on around me. Its amazing!
I am about to leave for Italy on Saturday to visit my cousins, and I am so happy to see them! I think that stepping away from London for a while will be a really good thing for me since I've had to deal with so much stress over the past couple of months. I will be away from London for a whole month. Its very strange to think about being away from a place that you've gotten use to for that long. I remember being sad about leaving Los Angeles for Christmas break from LMU, but I feel like this may be slightly worse. I know I'm going to be so happy while I'm home, and I'm going to get to spend time with all of my family and friends back there, but I also know that I'm really going to miss it here as well. That may become slightly painful (emotionally painful), especially towards the end of my time at home. The only solution to this problem that I can think of is to keep busy. I have to read my own books, read books for school, hang out with my friends and family as much as physically possible, and watch a lot of movies. Isn't my life so difficult? Don't worry, I was being sarcastic.