Wednesday, February 9, 2011


    I’ve been pretty obsessive lately about traveling the world, and upon my endless amounts of internet searches for anything travel related, I repeatedly came across the word “wanderlust.” At first, I was like, “What the ____ is that?” But after mulling it over a bit, I came to the conclusion that its a pretty cool sounding word, and I wanted to explore it further.

    “Wanderlust is a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world.” After learning that little tidbit of information from the always helpful Wikipedia, I  came to realize that I actually have an intense case of wanderlust. I can’t decide whether its a good or bad thing though. What causes wanderlust? Is it curable? No matter how much I actually get to travel in life, will I ever get over my wanderlust and be able to settle down?

    I know that the only way I’m going to find out is if I actually begin traveling again, and believe me, I’m definitely working on that, but it makes me sad to think that there’s a slight possibility that I’ll never be able to settle down. It would be pretty cool to become the next Samantha Brown, but I honestly don’t know how much she actually gets to see her family. Its disheartening to believe that I would have to make a choice between family and travel, but it seems that if everyone I love is settled somewhere and I’m going here, there, and everywhere, that I probably won’t get to see them as much as I would like.

    Isn’t there a way that I can have the best of both worlds? Better yet, is there a way that I can make enough money to support myself while having the best of both worlds? Seems like quite the conundrum, if I do say so myself.

    There’s also another issue that’s eating away at my insides, and that is the plain and simple fact that I want to do too many things! I want to be a choreographer, a dance teacher, a writer, a traveler, a travel journalist, a this, a that, a yada yada, blah blah, whatever, there’s so much to do and only so much time in a day! Plus, all of those things are making me zero dollars at this point, which is the exact opposite of what I need to do everything I want to do. I feel like a chicken without a head, running around in circles with one wing and no feathers. Ok, so that doesn’t really make any sense, but I feel like my life doesn’t really make much sense right now either. 

    That’s life in your early 20’s, I guess. Confusion, no money, and a serious case of wanderlust. Fun times. Yes, fun times, indeed.